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srijeda, 13. travnja 2011.

zakon o zabrani svega ljekovitog bilja

Iako mi to nije obicaj, ovaj put moram prekrsiti vlastito pravilo da ne saljem peticije.
Ovaj put je ozbiljno! Jako ozbiljno.
Krajem ovog mjeseca namjearavaju u EU parlamentu donijeti zakon o zabrani svega ljekovitog bilja.
Cilj je potpuno ukloniti konkurenciju velikim farmaceutskim kompanijama i uciniti nas ovisnim robovima njihove otrovne kemije. Po tom scenariju kamilica i marihuana postaju jednako kriminogene biljke!
Osim potpisivanja ove peticije koja bi trebala izvrsiti pritisak na Europski parlament, molimo Boga iz sveg srca da to nekako sprijeci, jer nas to u kombinaciji s Codex Alimentarius-om definitivno baca na koljena. Svijet kakav smo poznavali do sada (onaj njegov bolji, prirodniji dio) potpuno nestaje.
Mislim da ovo u potpunosti objasnjava zasto ce neminovno doci do velike pobune i nereda sirom Europe i zapadnog svijeta kad sve to (a ima toga jos) stupi na snagu i kad Europljani (a to smo i mi) shvate da zapravo zive u velikom konc logoru.
Mozda jedini nacin da se to sprijeci je Bozja milost, no nju moramo tek izmoliti. A ne vidim da smo bas nesto navalili u tom smjeru...
Informirajte se i sami o tome i obavijestite i druge.
Naravno da ce na kraju sve to zavrsiti u smecu povijesti i Zlatno doba ce na kraju biti uspostavljeno. No uz koju cijenu? I uz kakav angazman s nase strane? Jer karma je i cinjenje i ne-cinjenje. Mozda bi vrijedilo razmisliti o tome...
Ispod je link na stranicu peticije i njezin tekst.

Love all, serve all - Harmicije

Here is a very good short presentation on petition against implementing the new EU law limiting sale of Chinese and Ayurvedic products in Europe.
An organization was created in France to protect our rights to use herbal products. 170 000 signatures were collected so far and there are only three weeks left for reaching one million.
Be so kind, sign and forward to your friends. Our Minister of Health also supports this initiative.

Petition for the European Members of Parliament

In re: Directive on Traditional Medicinal Plants

Dear Sir or Madam,

We call on the European Commission to stop the Traditional Herbal Medicinal Products Directive (THMPD), Directive 2004/24/EC, which is set to remove access to the vast majority of herbal medicinal products beginning 30 April 2011.

THMPD abridges the rights of each European citizen to self-determination in managing health. It goes far beyond reasonable controls over dangerous products, and enters the realm of coercion by limiting options for treating health issues.

The public's access to herbal products that have traditionally been freely available must continue uninterrupted.

I consider that ancestral knowledge of medicine through plants cannot be annihilated solely for the profit of multinational pharmaceutical corporations.

This is of huge concern and I would ask you to take into account this danger warning before serious problems emerge.

Amendments must urgently be made to this directive so that it takes preparations made from non-European plants into better consideration.

I ask you to put, forthwith, the necessary pressure on the European Parliament as well as the Directorate General for Health and Consumers (DG SANCO) in order that such amendments are proposed.
Watch the video about the action the Alliance for Natural Health is taking in regard to the THMPD (directive) on YouTube.

If you wish to know more about the THMPD and the actions being undertaken to counter it at the European level, click on the following link:


If you wish to support the Alliance for Natural Health financially, you can click on the following link (page in English):


The League for Natural Medicine will keep you up to date with the results of this action.

Thank you very much for getting active with us.

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